Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Money in Dodger 2 A.Arbona

Money influence on the people in Dodger by Terry Pratchett, In the events occuring in Dodger their are many homeless poor starving people. So money has a large influence on the people as there situation is bleak to say the least. In fact it's not only effecting the people in England at this time, the lack of money for large quantities of people are driving them to England thinking that it's better there.

In Dodger the Rich get what they want. That's that, in the beginning of the story Charles Dickens gets Dodger talking about himself for a half crown which at that time was a large quantity of money. Also later on the villain uses  gold to get a character selling out his friends and neighbors. This demonstrates just how deep the corruption of money has spread through the mind of the poor in this book. If they are willing to  say their personal preferences and knowledge to presumably dangerous people for little to nothing or just enough to get them shelter.

Money even drives people from places like India to England thinking that it's better there. Only to through themselves off of a bridge. As they realize that they probably wouldn't be able to survive there anyway. This demonstrates how far people back then would go just to make a dollar.

In conclusion yes money does have an important role in Dodger and in fact thinking more clearly now the whole book is about Dodger helping solve the issues that rich people have solved. So are there more books like this out in the world definitely, because money both using it for the wrong reasons or having none at all are real problems that go on every day.

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